04 May 2016

Underground House in Epsom

Following the tremendous success that the Practice has enjoyed in obtaining previous Consents for underground and earth sheltered accommodation in Bowdon and Shropshire, NC Architecture is delighted that a commission for another underground dwelling for private clients in Epsom, outside London, has gone live.

Adjacent a SSSI and in open countryside, this replacement dwelling will offer accommodation of approx. 350sqm in a unique courtyard style, with enclosed courtyard and minimalist interior design, all for an end-user family to occupy and enjoy.

Planning likely Summer 2016. Start on site Spring 2017. Contract Value £750,000.

31 March 2016

Thank You!

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge Thank You to Derek Green at [gawr-juhs] for all his help and advice in setting up our new website and everything else associated with the re-branding and launch of NC Architecture.  His input and counsel was invaluable and made the whole process much smoother!
 Gawrjuhs Logo


We Have Re-Branded!


Having established the Practice as one of the forerunners in the detached luxury homes sector over the past 15 - 20 years, Neil Collins has seen the workload and clientele shift to a far wider range of projects.  Still undertaking a smaller number of luxury ‘super’ homes and high quality refurbishments, the Practice has had to respond to commissions covering Sporting and Leisure Facilities, Luxury Student Accommodation, works to Listed Buildings, Offices, Hotels, PRS High Rise and Retail Stores.  Neil Collins felt that the brand of NC Homes did not offer clients the truest reflection of the range of work the Practice was now capable of doing.

NC Architecture covers the full spectrum of projects undertaken.  It is all encompassing and offers all clients comfort, knowing we can undertake any scheme of any size.

Please visit our new website at: www.ncarchitecture.com.

20 January 2016

New Member of Staff

Please say hello to Bianca Morgan, who joined us on 11 January.  

Bianca joins us having gained a wealth of experience in all sectors of the profession.  She is also a RIBA Accredited Conservation Registrant.